Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

Quote - Celebration and Anticipation

There’s a tension that exists whenever God has moved greatly in the life of a person or church. It’s the tension between looking back and looking forward.

Celebration and anticipation.
Both must exist. Together.

But what usually happens is we specialize in one of them at the expense of the other. Some people really celebrate what God has done, but they don’t anticipate the next thing He wants to do. Others really anticipate what God’s going to do, but they don’t celebrate what He’s done.

According to the way God wants it done, He commands both.
Commemoration is equal parts celebration and anticipation.

You can see this in Joshua 4 when God tells the Israelites to put down stones in order to commemorate their passing through the Jordan River. The purpose was for it to be a reminder of how God had led the people through the desert for forty years and through the Jordan. It was a symbol for what He had done.

But it was also looking forward to the Promised Land and taking possession of it. It was a symbol for what He was about to do.

Celebration and anticipation belong together and flow into one another. And we need to be good at both.

It seems trivial, but it’s not. I believe this is one of the main reasons Elevation has seen God move mightily in the past five years. We make every attempt to celebrate passionately and adequately when God blows us away. But we also really try to anticipate how He is going to blow us away next and plan accordingly.

We’re trying to live in the tension. You need to as well.

Some of you are too busy dreaming about where God is taking you next to appreciate how far He has taken you recently. Stop for a moment and celebrate.

Others of you are so busy celebrating what God has done in your life that you’ve yet to realize it’s just a taste of what He still has to do in you and through you. Stop for a moment and anticipate.

Commemoration is equal parts celebration and anticipation. Learn how to do both well and don’t be surprised when God gives you more things to commemorate.

Ps. Steven Furtick (Elevation Church)
Originally posted on January 20, 2011.

Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

Highscope Diaries

Last year, around 30 November 2011, I thought, I visited Highscope as a guest speaker for primary students. Talking about what architect is and what is architect doing. Thank you to Ms Jani Natasari Sinulingga for this worth chance. 

They children were so talkative and curious. If time is not limited, the conversation between me and the kids would be no end. As their dream and their passion to know deeper.

When I arranged my room for preparing New Year 2013, I found the papers which I asked the kids to draw for me their dream house. I was so glad and would like to share the pictures of their drawings here.
You will see their imagination high beyond adults. 

I pray to God simultaneously, if the kids can see it, they can have it!



Christmas Card

Thank you Jane for a beautiful Christmas e-card! Merry Christmas!

Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012

Psalm 139

Psalm 139 The Message

God, investigate my life; get all the facts firsthand.
I’m an open book to you; even from a distance, you know what I’m thinking.
You know when I leave and when I get back; I’m never out of your sight.
You know everything I’m going to say before I start the first sentence.
I look behind me and you’re there, then up ahead and you’re there, too— your reassuring presence, coming and going.
This is too much, too wonderful— I can’t take it all in!

Is there anyplace I can go to avoid your Spirit? to be out of your sight?
If I climb to the sky, you’re there! If I go underground, you’re there!
If I flew on morning’s wings to the far western horizon,
You’d find me in a minute— you’re already there waiting!
Then I said to myself, “Oh, he even sees me in the dark! At night I’m immersed in the light!”
It’s a fact: darkness isn’t dark to you; night and day, darkness and light, they’re all the same to you.

Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother’s womb.
I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration—what a creation!
You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body;
You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something.
Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you,

Your thoughts—how rare, how beautiful! God, I’ll never comprehend them!
I couldn’t even begin to count them— any more than I could count the sand of the sea.
Oh, let me rise in the morning and live always with you! And please, God, do away with wickedness for good!
And you murderers—out of here!— all the men and women who belittle you, God, infatuated with cheap god-imitations.
See how I hate those who hate you, God, see how I loathe all this godless arrogance;
I hate it with pure, unadulterated hatred. Your enemies are my enemies!

Investigate my life, O God, find out everything about me;
Cross-examine and test me, get a clear picture of what I’m about;
See for yourself whether I’ve done anything wrong— then guide me on the road to eternal life.

I Cannot Hide From You
Clay Crosse

Verse 1
You have looked into my heart
You know everything about me
You see my deepest thoughts
And every corner of my soul
Each single step I take
And all my words before I speak them
Every place that I have been
And every place that I will go

I cannot hide from You
You know me all too well
There's no story of my life
That Your memory could not tell
I can ride the morning wings
Till I'm completely out of view
But whether in dark or light
I cannot hide from You

Verse 2
Long before I drew first breath
You already knew my secrets
You watched as I was formed
Out of sight from human eyes
Your Spirit is with me
And I am always in Your presence
When I sit and when I stand
When I sleep and when I rise

Turn my heart from wicked ways
Search the whispers of my mind
And lead me on the road
That will take me home
To everlasting life

Every moment of my life
I cannot hide from You

*click here for video

Kamis, 20 Desember 2012 Got a New Look

My pastor, Ps. Philip Mantofa, has a website <>, which provides update of his service ministry. And also audio sermon which we can download. All of Ps Philip's sermon really bless my life.

On December 25th, 2012, the website will get a new look. We are looking forward to it!
Keep transforming, empowering, and impacting! Revolution now! ^^)

Selasa, 18 Desember 2012

Psalm 126

Psalm 126 (The Message)

It seemed like a dream, too good to be true,
    when God returned Zion’s exiles.
We laughed, we sang,
    we couldn’t believe our good fortune.
We were the talk of the nations—
    “God was wonderful to them!”
God was wonderful to us;
    we are one happy people.
And now, God, do it again—
    bring rains to our drought-stricken lives
So those who planted their crops in despair
    will shout hurrahs at the harvest,
So those who went off with heavy hearts
    will come home laughing, with armloads of blessing.

Sukacita Penuaian
Bastian MP

Ketika Tuhan memulihkan keadaan Sion
Keadaan kita seperti orang yang bermimpi
Waktu itu mulut kita penuh dengan tawa
Lidah kita dengan sorak sorai

Yang menabur dengan mencucurkan air mata
Akan menuai dengan bersorak-sorai
Yang berjalan menangis sambil menabur benih
Pasti pulang membawa berkas-berkasnya

Jumat, 14 Desember 2012

Be With You

I sing this song when I felt not at ease, uneasy, uncomfortable. I see above and sing this:

Be With You
Sendy Stepvina

Savior of my soul
I confide in you
Through all my darkest moment
In you I find my peace
My comfort when I'm weak
I trust in You, through storm and raging sea

Faithful, You're my God
You're the Glory and the Lifter of my head
Your light it fills my days
It leads me in Your ways
Forever I surrender all to You

And I live to worship You
My Jesus You're the only one for me
Nothing will ever take Your place
My precious Savior
Who can stand between my Lord and me

Lord I live to honor You
And I long to bring my life an offering
Take me higher
Draw me deeper
I give all to be with You

*click here for video

Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

Architectural Christmas Trees

An Architectural Christmas by architects for architects! These images are really good for your DIY Christmas card, Happy holidays!
image source: Lumini Design

image source:

image source: subtle-design

image source: Arch Daily

Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

Columnist - Medan Esplanade

I am so glad to know I was asked to make a review about Medan Heritage by Bang Denny Sitohang. I had ever said that my dream is to be a media columnist. And one of my most like topic is heritage. So I submitted  a paper about most well known heritage by Medan which is so risk of value demolition.
I hope that so many interactive Q&A could happen in few days ahead. You may enjoy and please leave comment ya!

Medan Esplanade

Lapangan Merdeka (dulu bernama Medan Esplanade) adalah ruang terbuka publik yang memiliki sejarah yang menyertai permulaan Kota Medan dari awal hingga saat sekarang ini. Dimulai dari perpindahan ibukota (pada saat itu Sumatra Timur) dari Labuhan Deli ke tanah konsesi Kesultanan Deli di Kesawan, Belanda mulai mengembangkan infrastruktur untuk menunjang seluruh aktivitas perkebunan yang mereka kembangkan.

Kota Medan sebagai cikal bakal kota perkebunan memiliki hasil tembakau yang sangat bagus kualitasnya di pasar perdagangan Eropa. Banyaknya permintaan mendorong para investor untuk datang dan memiliki hak perkebunan di Tanah Deli.

Jacob Nienhuys, dengan persetujuan dan bagi hasil dengan Kesultanan, mendapat hak untuk membuka tanah perkebunan. Sehingga untuk memudahkan kegiatan administrasi, seluruh sarana dan prasarana dipindahkan pula ke Kesawan. Lapangan adalah hakekat utama dalam perencanaan wilayah di dunia Barat, setelah memetakan kawasan buruh Cina di Kesawan, Belanda mengambil lingkungan terdekat dan membuka lahan rawa-rawa untuk dijadikan kawasan administrasi.

Merunut pada pola perencanaan wilayah dunia Barat, Belanda membuat satu distrik yaitu Esplanade, sebagai titik sumbu seluruh bangunan di sekelilingnya. Dan di sekitarnya Belanda mulai membangun De Javasche Bank (Bank Indonesia), stasiun kereta api, kantor perhubungan udara (Kantor Pos), Hotel De Boer (Hotel Dharma Deli) dan balai kota (Old City Hall).

Belanda sering mengadakan pertunjukan pawai di Esplanade ini, pawai miniatur perahu dalam skala menengah, pasar malam, dan liga sepak bola.

Selama penaklukan Belanda terhadap wilayah di Sumatra Timur, pernah terjadi peperangan dan pergolakan dengan Aceh Tamiang kala itu. Kemenangan Belanda kemudian diabadikan dengan mendirikan Monumen Tamiang di Esplanade, namun pada tahun 1950 dihancurkan oleh PKI karena kebencian terhadap kolonialisme.

Esplanade mulai berganti nama menjadi Lapangan Merdeka, sejak diproklamasikannya kemerdekaan Indonesia. Di lapangan tersebut dengan penaikan bendera merah putih, dan diabadikan dengan monumen yang sampai sekarang masih ada. Mengingat lapangan ini awalnya adalah rawa, tidak mengherankan dari dahulu hingga sekarang, kawasan ini menjadi titik kumpul drainase alamiah air dan mengakibatkan banjir.

Keunikan Esplanade pada waktu awal ada dua hal. Pertama, pola sirkulasi yang fleksibel sehingga menciptakan alur yang menarik bila dilihat dari udara. Kedua, keberadaan pohon di tengah lapangan sebagai titik aksis yang membagi bidang bangunan di sekelilingnya. Namun sekarang kedua keunikan tersebut telah tergantikan oleh kehadiran bangunan semi permanen komersil dan rencana kawasan parkir dari penggusuran kedai buku. Edy Saputra (

Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Tiang Awan Tiang Api

I am really blessed each time I sing this song. I trust God is faithful and good all the time. Keeping me safe and sound through my difficulties time.
I just passed and finished this year biggest problem (in my opinion) dealing with the company I closed. So many things I learnt from the situation happened. There is people who blame and talked not right about me due to the situation. Thanks God, I am not alone. I am grateful when I have my partner, Ostovia, really helped a lot to fix all things.
During my morning to night, this song accompanied my faith that I would pass so many problems.
I believe there is a blessing in disguise. I believe in Jesus.
Even now I like to sing this song. Not just in hard time, but also in relieved one, God is matter most for me.

Tiang Awan Tiang Api
Regina Pangkerego

Ku tak perlu kuatir 
Terhadap apa pun
TanganMu yang penuh kasih 
Menopangku tanpa henti

Ku tak perlu takut 
Tuk melangkah maju
HadiratMu yang berkuasa 
Menjagaku senantiasa

Seperti tiang awan 
Yang meneduhkan dari terik siang
Hatiku s'lalu tenang 
Di dalam tanganMu Tuhan

Seperti tiang api 
Yang menerangi dari gelap malam
Kau menjagai hidupku 
Dengan kebaikanMu.

You saw the anguish of our parents in Egypt.
    You heard their cries at the Red Sea;
You amazed Pharaoh, his servants, and the people of his land
    with wonders and miracle-signs.
You knew their bullying arrogance against your people;
    you made a name for yourself that lasts to this day.
You split the sea before them;
    they crossed through and never got their feet wet;
You pitched their pursuers into the deep;
    they sank like a rock in the storm-tossed sea.
By day you led them with a Pillar of Cloud,
    and by night with a Pillar of Fire
To show them the way
    they were to travel.
You came down onto Mount Sinai,
    you spoke to them out of heaven;
You gave them instructions on how to live well,
    true teaching, sound rules and commands;

(Nehemiah 9:9-15, The Message)

Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

Design Proposal - AirAsia BackOffice Polonia International Airport

This design proposal is made for AirAsia Backoffice at Polonia International Airport. So many people comment why would they still renovate in lieu to airport migration to new one. But I just believed this project yet simple, this is what God delivered to my end year. If you can see it Ed, you can have it! Wait for good news ya!

CG49 - Connect Group Values

Yesterday, we held a premiere service for our new Connect Group (CG). Before, we were planted in CG13. For me, I had been 3 years there and so blessed with the community. As God's vision for our city so large and our amount more increase, so that officially our leader Susan decided to born this new CG since a week ago before yesterday. When I had our ProM Revolution service last saturday, that was the moment I received the number 49 for our CG, yeay!

Thank you for Cindy Angelina Candelyn for providing a warm and comfortable home for our CG base. God will bless you more and more, we believe.
Thank you for our comrade and church leaders for the greeting in our CG day (4 December 2012 - CG 49 birthday, noted!).

We are 3 core members (me, Benny aka Bento, Lyna aka Agek) and 1 new member (Teguh). Our leader Susan forwarded nine newcomers to be followed up joining our CG. And I divided into some so that each of us could follow up respectively. The results were no one join our CG, some had joined other CG, some couldn't because of work. Holy Spirit told us, that there is no need to worry about, because the first thing first in our CG we look for is God's presence. And we reach this conclusion alike Paul told to Corinthian church (1 Cor 3:1-11, The Message):

3:1But for right now, friends, I'm completely frustrated by your unspiritual dealings with each other and with God. You're acting like infants in relation to Christ,
3:2capable of nothing much more than nursing at the breast. Well, then, I'll nurse you since you don't seem capable of anything more.
3:3As long as you grab for what makes you feel good or makes you look important, are you really much different than a babe at the breast, content only when everything's going your way?
3:4When one of you says, "I'm on Paul's side," and another says, "I'm for Apollos," aren't you being totally infantile?
3:5Who do you think Paul is, anyway? Or Apollos, for that matter? Servants, both of us--servants who waited on you as you gradually learned to entrust your lives to our mutual Master. We each carried out our servant assignment.
3:6I planted the seed, Apollos watered the plants, but [God] made you grow.
3:7It's not the one who plants or the one who waters who is at the center of this process but God, who makes things grow.
3:8Planting and watering are menial servant jobs at minimum wages.
3:9What makes them worth doing is the God we are serving. You happen to be God's field in which we are working. Or, to put it another way, you are God's house.
3:10Using the gift God gave me as a good architect, I designed blueprints; Apollos is putting up the walls. Let each carpenter who comes on the job take care to build on the foundation!
3:11Remember, there is only one foundation, the one already laid: Jesus Christ.

So we were not disappointed when the results were no one. We are not a spiritual babies anymore. We are sent to God greater things for this city. We keep our eyes and heart to the foundation: Jesus Christ! And we started our history by our fantastic four team united-we-stand. Yeay!

So, what did we do for first service in our CG?
Most of our time spent for praise and worship God, and most of our statement is attitude of gratitude to the Christ for this new season, new experience, new CG. Each of us got rhema. I got the values (later after this lines I told you), Bento got vision, Agek got responsibility, and Teguh got vision too.

I shared the simple message quoted from Isaiah 54:2
"Clear lots of ground for your tents! Make your tents large. Spread out! Think big! Use plenty of rope, drive the tent pegs deep."
I got this message in a way Holy Spirit guided me to this revelation:

Clear lots of ground for your tents! The tents are place for safety and protection area during camp in middle of heavy forest or mountainous hill. This first phrase talked about salvation in Jesus Christ. Our CG is called to draw many souls receiving the salvation God had given since long time ago.
Make your tents large. Spread out! Think big! The salvation is not complete without a capacity to make people live in comfortably. This second phrase talked about purity and holiness by Holy Spirit. Our CG is called to set an example of purity and holiness in our private and relationships quality.
Use plenty of rope. The rope used for building a tent is various. Making the tent shape formed, the rope must be tied each other in strong node. This third phrase talked about unity in community. Our CG is called to build an unity through our different personality, dreams, behaviors, etc. So that through the unity, God as the head can direct us to catch His purposes in our city.
Drive the tent pegs deep. Do you know in every corner of tent always have a peg. So to make the tent stand firm and strong, there must be four pegs each corner and planted deep to the ground. This last phrase talked about four foundation we must have. First peg, is Words (logos & rhema). Second peg, is prayer. Third peg, is Holy Spirit fruits. Last peg, is Holy Spirit gifts. Without one of them, the tent cannot stand. Our CG is called to move in righteousness and holiness through these four foundations.

Last but not least, I was so proud to say this CG pertamax edition is a description for our CG function. One day we feel exhausted, disappointed, weak, hurt, this CG is a gas station, we will be renewed one by one in our togetherness.
For me, I am so happy to have this CG, to let God as our captain commander move us to greater and newer experience with Him. What first thing comes in my mind when people mention and talk CG49 is Thank You Jesus.

Are you ready for revolution? Revolution now!

Rabu, 28 November 2012

National Geographic Photo Contest 2012

Happy Couple
Photo and caption by Rendy Yuninta
This Couple are homeless drifter, the man is Chinese and the woman is Javanese, they live together to get bite of rice every day, they laugh together, they walk together, there's no burden in their life...
Location: Petak 9, Glodok, Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta

The Grace

Photo and caption by Juete-Sophia Sigeneger
On a sunday afternoon this young girl performs as a tightrope dancer at the seaside promenade in Pondicherry. Her parents sitting beneath her play the drums. A magic moment.
Photo Location: Pondicherry; Tamil Nadu; India

Embera Girls Giggling
Photo and caption by Piers Calvert
Two Embera girls in the Colombian pacific coast jungles of Chocó sit in a hammock and giggle. Their torsos are painted in traditional style, the left hand one with a figure representing the boa snake, and the right hand one with an abstract curative medicinal pattern.
Photo Location: Bahia Cupica, Chocó, Colombia

Sabtu, 24 November 2012

Power of Last Minute

I guess each and everyone of us can relate to this Calvin and Hobbes comic. No amount of music, internet surfing, brain storming, smoking and etc are as effective as the ‘last minute mode’. There is a name for it – The Lizard Brain

Sabtu, 17 November 2012

A Trip to Bangkok - Prologue

I wrote my resolution this year, I would go to several countries. Not advanced country but most of developing countries. I am so interested in natural and cultural objects. Until now, I have not gone to one of my several written country list.

Here, I want to say God is good. Through our study excursion of urban planning, the committee decided Bangkok as the destination city we will study. At first, I refused the offer. Why? That time I thought Bangkok is not a typo I wished to see, especially the adultery happening there. Although I do not have chance to go to what I would like to, He pushed me to go to Bangkok.

I realized I got enlightment when God asked Isaiah who would go for His calling? Isaiah went and took the calling because (1) he was nobody, but through God's compassion and mercy, he would like to be somebody, and turned into significant when he walked for it, (2) even he disapproved the calling, God still could use a donkey to speak His words to Israelites, but God loves an ordinary man, so that through his weakness, everyone could see true person behind the work, Jesus.

I had ever prayed to God: God, use me for your glory, use me for your tool, even to people whom nobody would not like to preach, even to place where nobody would not like to go, even to time when nobody woud not like to spare, I will. This prayer came and encouraged me to go to Bangkok, the city of adultery and sex trafficking industry. God wants to heal Bangkok, as He wanted to heal Niniveh. So what would happen if I run from His calling? Read the story of Jonah and you will understand the love of God noone can avoid.

Finally today I will go to Bangkok for 4 days. Gonna share you what I experience there and spiritual fellowship God will show then. I really want to sow and shout: Bangkok for His glory!

Kamis, 08 November 2012

Opinion: Modern in the Nowadays Context

I do love writing and journaling. Even in my multitasking activities, I still love to work with media because my passion is to be columnist. Lately my junior class, @JoavianMerry tweeted me a link that when I opened it, it is my interview with the popular recent topic of design.
I have more publish of my interview with media, but I think one first is enough to give a prologue for my follower ^^


Pilih Konsep yang Minimalis atau Simplicity?
Tribun Medan - Senin, 5 November 2012 19:59 WIB
Laporan Wartawan Tribun Medan/Averiana Barus, MEDAN - Modern ini banyak bangunan-bangunan yang muncul yang menamakan dirinya berkonsep minimalis. Tidak hanya rumah tinggal, restoran, hotel, dan tempat-tempat umum lainnya banyak yang mengusung nama ini untuk bangunan bahkan desain interiornya.

"Sebenarnya tidak ada kata minimalis dalam desain interior. Dalam desain dikenal kata simplicity yang berarti menyimpelkan desain sesuai fungsi dan bentuknya," ujar Edy Saputra Yu, Arsitek dari Esa Architecture dan Interior Design, Senin (5/11/2012).

Banyak hunian yang mengklaim konsep mereka minimalis namun ketika dilihat lebih dekat malah jauh dari konsep minimalis berdasarkan fungsi atau bentuknya. "Minimalis atau dalam bahasa desain simplicity berarti mengkreasi bentukan sesuai fungsinya. Misalnya sebuah meja dikreasi pertama berdasarkan fungsinya baru kemudian bentuknya. Yang tidak perlu ya dibuang," ujarnya.

Hal ini mengingatkan kita pada meja makan klasik jaman Victoria yang panjangnya hampir 10 meter tapi yang makan hanya raja dan permai surinya. "Dari minimalisasi bentuk, harusnya minimal juga cost. Harusnya rumah yang didesain simpel tentu memotong biaya pula," ujarnya.

Namun tidak demikian kenyataannya. Rumah-rumah yang kebanyakan perumahan dengan konsep minimalis malah cukup mahal dibanding dengan konsep klasik atau etnik. Hal itu menurut Edy bergantung lagi pada lokasi dan akses. Namun katanya, jika kita membangun sendiri rumah dengan konsep simplicity, penghematan-penghematan tentu saja dapat dirasakan. (cr2/

Penulis : Averiana Barus
Editor : Muhammad Tazli
Sumber : Tribun Medan

With You All The Time

I face a situation that I have to submit with God's deliverance. Our business partnership between my senior and me had experienced unwell to each other. I learn to forgive in a new level. Something inside me encouraging me to see that it's not the end. It's God's favor day by day can live walking with Him. I released FAVOUR to God's hands and chase what God's has provided today.

Thank you for Lina Maria for this incredible message. She refered me this song.
And I will never walk alone ^^


With You All The Time

I live beneath the heart
I watch you from the dark
I'm every breath I'm every dream
I've known you forever
I've followed you everywhere
I'm every scar I'm who you are
When you think you're alone
When you cry cos the world's unfair
You can rest assured I'm always there

Even when you feel like you don't belong
Even when you fall and it all goes wrong
You know that I'm with you
That I'm with you all the time

Say a little prayer for the restless heart
We shall never ever drift apart
Know that I'm with you
Know that I'm with you
With you all the time

I'm walking round the room
I'm laughing when you smile
And when you cry I cry too
I made you a promise
That I shall forever keep
You're on your own but not alone
When you're down and you're out
And the world tells you no-one cares
You can rest assured I'm always there

Even when you feel like you dont belong
Even when you fall and it all goes wrong
You know that I'm with you
That I'm with you all the time

Say a little prayer for the restless heart
We shall never ever drift apart
Know that I'm with you
Know that I'm with you
With you all the time

Save a little love for me
You'll see
Save a little love for me
You'll see
Save a little love for me
You'll see
And you'll see

Even when you feel like you dont belong
Even when you fall and it all goes wrong
You know that I'm with you
That I'm with you all the time

Say a little prayer for the restless heart
We shall never ever drift apar
Know that I'm with you
Know that I'm with you
With you all the time

You know that I'm with you
That I'm with you all the time

Say a little prayer for the restless heart
We shall never ever drift apart
Know that I'm with you
Know that I'm with you
With you all the time

*click here for video