Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Tiang Awan Tiang Api

I am really blessed each time I sing this song. I trust God is faithful and good all the time. Keeping me safe and sound through my difficulties time.
I just passed and finished this year biggest problem (in my opinion) dealing with the company I closed. So many things I learnt from the situation happened. There is people who blame and talked not right about me due to the situation. Thanks God, I am not alone. I am grateful when I have my partner, Ostovia, really helped a lot to fix all things.
During my morning to night, this song accompanied my faith that I would pass so many problems.
I believe there is a blessing in disguise. I believe in Jesus.
Even now I like to sing this song. Not just in hard time, but also in relieved one, God is matter most for me.

Tiang Awan Tiang Api
Regina Pangkerego

Ku tak perlu kuatir 
Terhadap apa pun
TanganMu yang penuh kasih 
Menopangku tanpa henti

Ku tak perlu takut 
Tuk melangkah maju
HadiratMu yang berkuasa 
Menjagaku senantiasa

Seperti tiang awan 
Yang meneduhkan dari terik siang
Hatiku s'lalu tenang 
Di dalam tanganMu Tuhan

Seperti tiang api 
Yang menerangi dari gelap malam
Kau menjagai hidupku 
Dengan kebaikanMu.

You saw the anguish of our parents in Egypt.
    You heard their cries at the Red Sea;
You amazed Pharaoh, his servants, and the people of his land
    with wonders and miracle-signs.
You knew their bullying arrogance against your people;
    you made a name for yourself that lasts to this day.
You split the sea before them;
    they crossed through and never got their feet wet;
You pitched their pursuers into the deep;
    they sank like a rock in the storm-tossed sea.
By day you led them with a Pillar of Cloud,
    and by night with a Pillar of Fire
To show them the way
    they were to travel.
You came down onto Mount Sinai,
    you spoke to them out of heaven;
You gave them instructions on how to live well,
    true teaching, sound rules and commands;

(Nehemiah 9:9-15, The Message)

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