Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

Lovestory (Repost)

Every young man and woman, is waiting the day that they can meet their spouse. This trending topic is popular in our community and everyone praying for it.

When God put this part in my heart to be told to my cell group, I prayed God would send us His message specific in respect to one by one. I announced to the group that we would like to make celebration with theme lovestory. Everybody is excited. The day we would gather, it was like a war, why? Suddenly 2 hours before gather, the sky turned out black, and lightning happened. Raining dropped very heavy. Everyone in that situation might think, it's better cancelled for cell group. 
Holy Spirit reminded me, with Christ in the vessel we can smile at the storm. So that I prayed prophetically, rain could not block the purpose of God's message for His young men. Amazing, exactly at 7.30 pm, rain stopped. And surprisingly, all members came and gather completely, even in the middle of blackout.

I summarized most from Ci Lia's blog about preparation in waiting. Here is the message, I pray it will bless you too.

Why have we not found our spouse? God knows more than we know ourselves. He knows who is the right spouse, He knows when we will meet our spouse, and He knows how we can unite with our spouse. But so many young man/woman are rush in this area. They looked their friends have been married such age, there is one who is in approaching, etc. Why not we? There are two things we should know about why. First, we have not been healed mainly our heart. We still saved hurt perhaps from previous fail relationships, we still hated somebody, we could not forgive those who hurt us. Second, we are not ready to become a spouse yet. For woman, you are not ready to become helper. For man, you are not ready to become leader. We all need to change, learn to prepare our lives.

Thus, when? I should warn you first, surrender all to Him. Why? You must understand first thing first, marriage is not your life purpose. Vice versa, your life purpose is not marriage. Think about this line before you continue reading next.

What is your life purpose? Of course, to please God's heart for His glory. To become a man/woman after God's own heart. That's our purpose driven life, that's our calling, and that's our life purpose. How to please God? Hey you, live according His blueprint He planted in your life.
In Isaiah 43:7, we're created for God's glory; not created to get married. If you are created as man/woman, be a man/woman with His godly image (Genesis 1:27).

I reminded my group that when I caught theme lovestory to be shared, it's not purely about preparation for single one to get spouse immediately. This is all about preparation in waiting to be God's bride! Because we're surely becoming His bride!
You must prepare yourself not for a man/woman get interested to us, but we do it because of our true love. The good news is, by preparing yourself to be His bride, you're not only be fulfilling the word of God, but also you prepare to be God's choice for best spouse.

Revelation 19:7 stated His bride has made herself ready. How to be God's beautiful bride? We must ask to the bridegroom himself. Who? Jesus.
Ci Lia shared by 1 Peter 3:3-4 about the gentle and quiet spirit, how to live as God's beautiful bride. Gentle spirit means, our heart behavior which always passionately would like to be taught in righteousness although in process we may get pain. We obey to follow the truth although we must pay the price. Is it difficult? Sure, but it's all for our goodness. In Jer 29:11, there put a promise not accident plan, but prosper plan. Quiet spirit means, how we trust God that He's in control for everything happening in our life. How we feel content fully in Christ as a man/woman. In Phil 4:11-12, we learn to be content whatever the circumstances.

Nowadays still have no spouse? still single? God's love enough. It's amazing to live in fruitful godly singleness. But must be wise to His time. Consider that God will bring the best for you. Because God loves family, God loves unity. By unite man and woman, God loves to fulfill His vision into our life. That's why first miracle Jesus did is in a family celebration, a wedding at Cana, turn water into wine. Marriage is not only good idea, it's God's idea.

I closed the sharing by quoting Zac Poonen's statement. God did not create Adam and Eve together at the same time at the same place. He made each of both in His time and His place. Adam felt content with what God commanded him to do. It's God proposal to see that Adam need a helper. Adam is not in rush. Adam need a partner. But he learn to trust God. Why God created Adam alone? So that when Adam opened his eyes, the first person he saw is God Himself, not Eve. And why God created Eve set apart from Adam, created at other side of Eden, while Adam himself not realized it. So that when Eve opened her eyes, the first person she saw is God Himself. The message is clear: "I, your GOD, must be the first place in your life". Both felt content first with God. And God made a proposal. Marriage is God's idea. ^^

*This post is originally used when I shared Words in Connect Group 13 Cemara Asri Medan, dated 8th May 2012.
** This post is repetition post from my previous blog <http://lovelycious.posterous.com/lovestory>, dated 20th May 2012.

2 komentar:

  1. "when Adam opened his eyes, the first person he saw is God Himself, not Eve
    when Eve opened her eyes, the first person she saw is God Himself"
    Powerful words.
    your article opened my eyes bro. Thanks for sharing ^^
    God bless you
